Dear Families –
We are offering our services to help maintain the family support groups you love and deserve.
At the moment, we have a monthly National parent and caregiver support group that meets via Zoom that anyone interested may join. You can find out more here. We are also looking to expand our online groups under the TransParent banner to diversify our national virtual offerings.
Before COVID, TransParent operated on a local-chapter basis. Any parent or caregiver can apply to create a chapter in their area of the country. We interview applicants, and once we vote to approve, we provide all of the training along with chapter leader SWAG and materials for handing out to local businesses. We will even help you to identify places to have meetings in your area along with providing you with flyers to promote your meetings. We find that the opportunity for in-person meetings helps create a local network of families that can meet and support each other outside of the meeting structure. However, COVID made us re-think some of that structure, and we still have local chapters who meet exclusively via Zoom or that have a hybrid model. If the concept of forming a local chapter is appealing to you, please find out more here.
Please note that TransParent meetings are 100% free, and all training and materials to start a chapter are also free of charge.
If you would like to stay informed as we look to build up TransParent to provide support to any displaced families, please sign up via the link below. We will not utilize your email information for anything other than informing you of support, unless we explicitly ask you otherwise.
With love and advocacy –
The TransParent Team