Virtual Chapter

No chapter in your area? Need more than one meeting per month? Join our new Virtual Chapter!

We have formed a new virtual national chapter to support more parents and caregivers across the United States in areas of the country where we do not yet have physical chapters. Our virtual chapter meetings can also support families in crisis who feel the need for more than one chapter meeting per month and wish to attend both their local chapter meeting and the virtual chapter meeting.

Who: Parents or caregivers of transgender or gender expansive children of any age.

What: Whether you are in the early stages of your journey or deep in the midst, we welcome you to our group to speak and learn from others like you. 

When: The second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm CST (4:30 pm PST, 5:30 pm MST, 7:30 pm EST). Chapter meetings are one to two hours in length.

Where: Our virtual chapter occurs via Zoom. We will provide login information after the completion of our intake survey below.